"Kamara Clothing LLC" originated on 9/10/12 after our brother and beloved friend Alfred Kamara was tragically murdered. Before the tragedy in 2012, Alfred and his two friends Christopher and Durrell dreamed of starting their own brand. After passing a few months later, his two friends were determined to keep their dream alive but also wanted to represent Alfred as well. So they created "Kamara Clothing". The meaning of Kamara is "like a moon", and our brother and friend always knew how to light a room no matter what the situation or circumstance may be.
"Kamara Clothing LLC'' was created to promote positivity, peace, and give others the belief that the sky is the limit and that anything can be accomplished with God, hard work and determination. Everyone has the ability to light up a room, everyone has the will to follow their dreams as well. As you represent us, we represent you and want all of our supporters to follow their true dreams and passions in life.